GovernmentMember to Member Discount
Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm
About Us
On May 1st, 1883 the “Eagle Hook and Ladder No.1" was formed in the Silverton area. Over the years the organization has changed many times. In 1946 the Silverton Rural Fire Protection District was formed and contracted with the City of Silverton for fire protection in 1947. In 1982 the decision was made to consolidate the City and Rural District’s into one District. The Silverton Fire District in 1992 merged by vote of the public with the Scotts Mills Fire District. Presently the Silverton Fire District provides protection for 106 square miles with five stations, eight paid staff and seventy volunteer firefighters.
The Board of Directors is the legal governing body of the Fire District. The Board consist of five members elected by popular vote of the citizens within the Fire District. Each board member serves a four year term and meets the second Tuesday of each month.
The current paid staff consist of seven full time employees, and one 1/4 time employee. Both volunteers and paid staff work under the direction of the Fire Chief, and the Board of Directors.
The organization is divided into several areas. Management, Operations, Training and Maintenance are duties supported by staff. The Silverton (South Battalion) and Scotts Mills (North Battalion) are under the direction of volunteer Battalion Chiefs. The suppression force consist of the volunteers that reside or are employed in proximity of each respective station. Other areas of special service under suppression are divided into sections that consist of Rescue, Ladder, Tender and Investigations. The staffing for these additional sections also comes from the volunteers who have special interest in one or more of these sections.
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