Pie Social & Auction and Pie Baking Contest!
November 5th, 2-4pm at the Silverton Grange, 201 S. Division Street.
First & second place prizes in two categories: Fruit and Custard
Silent and live auction, kids activities, music, and pie!
If you think your pie is the best in town, enter the auction at www.silvertongrange.org
Proceeds benefit Silverton Grange and Silverton Food Co-op.
For more information, visit our FB page: facebook.com/silvertoncoop/events
or email: Silvertongrange@gmail.com
Sunday Nov 5, 2023
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM PST
Printed courtesy of www.silvertonchamber.org/ – Contact the Silverton Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
426 S. Water St., Silverton, OR 97381 – (503) 873-5615 – info@silvertonchamber.org