4th of July Parade & Firework Show
Parade: 11 am. Entry form here
Entry fee is $20 if registered by June 28 or $25 day of. Forms can be mailed to the Chamber or dropped off at the Mt. Angel US Bank (Forms available for pick up there as well)
The parade begins at 11 am from the JFK High School parking lot on E Marquam heading West, turns left on Birch, left on Taylor and left on Garfield where it ends at end of Garfield in front of the Weingarten and Paul’s Small Motors.
Firework show begins with music by Marion County Citizen's band at 8 pm. Food, drink, shortcake and root beer floats will be for sale to benefit JFK Cross Country and the Knights of Columbus. Fireworks will begin at dusk (approximately 10 pm). All taking place at the sports fields between Mt. Angel Middle School and JFK High School.
Our fantastic firework show is sponsored in part by Mt. Angel Oktoberfest and Roth's. We work hard to improve the show each year and are very grateful to Oktoberfest and Roth's for their continued support to help us afford the best firework show possible!

Date and Time
Thursday Jul 4, 2024